바쁘고 고된 일상에 지친 우리들.눈 깜빡이면 지나가는 하루하루 속에서나만 혼자 멈춰있는 건 아닌지라며걱정이 들 때도 있어요.'느림즈'는 그런 우리 마음에 한 줌의 여유를가져다주고 싶어요. 느려서 뒤처질 때도 있지만행복한 보보, 팬덩이, 부부기, 팽글이를 만나보세요.- 보보 : 집콕러버 나무늘보"이불 밖은 위험해! 집이 제일 좋아! 이불 속에서 편하게 꾸물거려도 돼요."- 팬덩이 : 먹선생 팬더"살쪄도 괜찮아! 다 먹어도 괜찮아! 먹고 싶은 만큼 마음껏 먹어도 돼요."- 부부기 : 취미부자 거북이"하고 싶은 것만 할 거야! 하기 싫은 일은 억지로 안 해도 돼요."- 팽글이 : 마이웨이 달팽이"아무 것도 안 해도 괜찮아! 모든 일을 미뤄 놓고 늘어져도 돼요."자사몰 : www.nrimzstudio.com
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Use Cases
Provide details for the Designated Product: Enter the ‘Product Name’, choose the ‘Usage Period’, and input the ‘Recommended Retail Price’ and ‘Production Quantity’.
For Immediate Use:
Click the 'Use Now' button, review the payment information, and click 'Confirm'. The payment amount and virtual account number will be sent to you.
After completing the payment, you will gain access to the 'Style Guide' for the brand you purchased.
For Approval Required
To request approval, click the 'Request Approval' button, review the payment details, and click 'Confirm'. The payment amount and virtual account number will be provided to you. After payment, submit the 'IP Usage Plan' to request approval.
Once payment is made and the 'IP Usage Plan' is submitted, approval from the licensor will be processed. Upon approval, you will be granted access to the 'Style Guide'.
After viewing the 'Style Guide', a certificate from the licensor or WITZ Shop will be sent to your address (unless certification is not required).
Starting from the day after payment is completed (and approval is obtained from the licensor, if applicable), production and sales of the purchased quantity are permitted during the 'Usage Period'.
Once sales have begun, visit 'Purchase History' and click the 'Progress Report' button to submit a shopping mall sales link or offline sales photos to verify the genuine use of the brand.
Usage Period and Contract Terms
The 'Usage Period' can be selected for 3, 6, or 12 months as designated by the licensor, and it can be extended.
If all products are sold within the 'Usage Period', the contract will conclude. After reporting the completion of the contract, if additional production is required, an additional payment will be necessary.
If you need to extend the sales period for inventory items, you must either repurchase the same brand or contact us directly for further assistance.
Once payment is completed (and approval is obtained from the licensor, if applicable), and the Style Guide has been accessed, cancellations and refunds are no longer possible.
If the Style Guide file is applied to the product without modification, no further design confirmation process is required.
If the desired images are not included in the Style Guide, a separate design inquiry must be made.
Refunds are subject to the terms outlined in Article 20 (Refunds) of our Terms of Service.
느림즈 스튜디오
Designated Product
Usage Period
Purchase now to secure production and sales rights until xx/xx/xxxx
Recommended Retail Price
Production Quantity
Total Amount
Discounted Amount
Additional fees and taxes not included.
Minimum Amount
There may be differences in the actual amount of payment due to currency exchange fees, etc.